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Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 59

In further pursuit of the State of Alaska's commitment to human rights as expressed in the State Constitution and Alaska Statute 16.80.200, as amended, I, Jay S. Hammond, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority granted by Article III of the Alaska...

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Administrative Order No. 58

Pursuant to the authority of Article III of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.17.060, the weatherization program now located within the Department of Community and Regional Affairs is transferred to the Department of Commerce and Economic Development to be...

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Administrative Order No. 57

In accordance with Article III, Section 1 of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.060, the Alaska International Trade Commission is hereby created in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. The purpose of the commission is to stimulate and assist the...

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Administrative Order No. 56

Under authority of Article III, Section 1, of the Alaska Constitution, it is ordered that: The Office of Internal Audit, which is currently in the Department of Administration, shall be transferred to the Office of the Governor. This order takes effect July 16, 1979....

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Administrative Order No. 55

Subject: State Major Project Review Process Under the authority of Art. III, Sections 1 and 24 of the Alaska Constitution, and AS 44.19.880, and given the need for timely, consistent, and thorough evaluation of proposed major projects or activities, I order that the...

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AO55 Attachment A

Attachment A Summary Sheet State Major Project Analysis Project Title Description Brief description of scope, nature, and objectives of project or action, including location of project, estimated start and completion date, estimated cost of project, state interest in...

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AO55 Attachment B

Attachment B Project Evaluation Factors Economic 1. What changes would be generated in real per capita personal income for current resident Alaskans over the life of the project (construction and operational phases)? 2. What are the employment and population changes...

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Administrative Order No. 54

For the Management System to Implement the Alaska Coastal Management Program Findings: 1. In 1977, the Alaska Legislature enacted the Alaska Coastal Management Act (AS 46.40) to provide for coordinated planning for the rational use of the coastal resources of the...

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Administrative Order No. 53

1. The Alaska State European Office is established at Copenhagen, Denmark. 2. The Office is under the supervision and control of the Director, Alaska State European Office. 3. The Director and staff of the Office are employees of the State of Alaska and of the Office...

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Administrative Order No. 52

Under AS 38.05.180(b) the Commissioner of Natural Resources must submit to the Legislature annually a proposed oil and gas leasing schedule. That schedule, essentially reflects the Commissioner's recommendation to the Legislature based on the Department of Natural...

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Administrative Order No. 51

Under the authority of Article III, Section 1, Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.880(c), I hereby establish, within the Division of Policy Development and Planning, the Office of Northern Technology. The Office of Northern Technology shall: assist the Governor, the...

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Administrative Order No. 50

In accordance with Article III, Section 1 of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.060, the Alaska International Trade Commission is hereby created in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. The purpose of the commission is to stimulate and assist the...

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Administrative Order No. 49

Under the authority of art. III, sec. 1 6f the Alaska Constitution, and in accordance with AS 41.12.010, art. VII, I execute the following agreement on behalf of the State of Alaska: The Governors executing orders conforming to the terms of this instrument do hereby...

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Administrative Order No. 48

Under the authority vested in me by Article III, Section 1, Section 23 and Section 24 of the Alaska Constitution, it is ordered that the Department of Administration assume the responsibility for centralizing the State of Alaska's Employee Housing Program. The essence...

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Administrative Order No. 47

Under the authority of art. III, sec. 1, Alaska Constitution, and of AS 44.19.880(c) which states that the governor may establish coordinating or advisory planning groups, I hereby establish the Public Forum Policy Committee. Purpose. The purpose of the committee is...

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Administrative Order No. 46

State Coordination and Participation with the Federal Insurance Administration WHEREAS, the Federal Insurance Administration has promulgated and adopted regulations governing eligibility of State and local communities to participate in the National Flood Insurance...

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Administrative Order No. 45

Under the authority of art. III, section 1 of the Alaska Constitution, I am today establishing a Bodily Injury Reparations Advisory Committee, composed of 19 members who represent a broad spectrum of consumer and provider interests, including 4 members of the...

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Administrative Order No. 42a

Under the authority of Sections 1 and 24, Article III of the Alaska Con~stitution, AS 14.30.231 and AS 44.19.880(c)1 I hereby order that the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, established by the commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services...

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Administrative Order No. 42

Under the authority of Sections 1 and 24, Article III of the Alaska Constitution, AS 14.30.231 and AS 44.19.880(c), I hereby order that the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, established by the commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services...

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Administrative Order No. 44

Pursuant to authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by AS 37.35, the Alaska Paperwork Reduction and Simplification Act, there is established a statewide Paperwork Reduction Program, located within the Office of the Governor, as follows: This...

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Administrative Order No. 43

Under the authority of Section 1 and Section 24 of Article III of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, I hereby order that in all future contracts entered into or approved by the State of Alaska for its officers or agents for the construction of State highways,...

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Administrative Order No. 41

Under the authority of Article III, of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.581, AS 44.19.591, and AS 44.17.060, it is ordered that: The functions of the Governor' 5 Manpower Planning Council (GMPC), established by Administrative Order No. 30, are redescribed as...

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Administrative Order No. 39

Pursuant to the authority of Article III of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.17.060, the Manpower Planning Division including the Governor's Manpower Planning Council and the State Manpower Services Council now located within the Office of the Governor, are...

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Administrative Order No. 35

Pursuant to authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by A.S. 44.17.060, the Equal Employment Opportunity functions and committee now assigned to the Office of the Governor (Administrative Order No. 24 [October 1, 1974]), are transferred to the...

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Administrative Order No. 33

Under the authority of art. III, sec. 1, Alaska Constitution, and of AS 44.19.145(c) which specifically states that the Governor may establish coordinating or advisory planning groups, I order the following: Administrative Order No. 33, dated July 15, 1976 and amended...

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Administrative Order No. 38

Pursuant to authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by AS 44.17.060, the Alaska Energy Allocation Assistance Office, established by Administrative Order No. 21 (January 24, 1974), now located within the Office of the Governor is transferred to...

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Administrative Order No. 36

WHEREAS, emergency or disaster conditions resulting from fire, explosion, flood, wind-driven water, storm, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, or other catastrophes are an ever-present danger in this State; and WHEREAS, the harmful effects of such...

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Administrative Order No. 34

Under the authority of Article III, Section I of the Constitution of the State of Alaska and AS 44.19.025, I hereby establish the Highway Safety Planning Agency within the Department of Public Safety. Creation of the Highway Safety Planning Agency is necessary because...

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Administrative Order No. 32

Under the authority of art. III, sec. 1, Alaska Constitution, and of AS 44.l9.880(c) which states that the governor may establish coordinating or advisory planning groups within the Division of Policy Development and Planning, I hereby formally affirm the December 29,...

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Administrative Order No. 31

Pursuant to authority granted by Section 1, Article III, of the Alaska Constitution, operation of the Tok Border Station is transferred from the Department of Revenue to the Department of Public Safety effective July 1, 1975. All funding and positions related to the...

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Administrative Order No. 30

Under the authority of Article III, Section 1 of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.581 and 44.19.591 (as enacted by Chapter 174, SLA 1975), it is ordered that: There is established the Governor's flanpower Planning Council as required under the Comprehensive...

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Administrative Order No. 29

Under authority of Article III, Section 1, of the Alaska Constitution, it is ordered that: The fiscal operations of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) which are currently administered by the Department of Labor shall be transferred to the Office of...

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Administrative Order No. 27

Pursuant to authority granted by Section 23, Article III, of the Alaska Constitution and by A.S. 44.17.060, the preparation of the Revenue Source Book now assigned to the Division of Budget and Management, Department of Administration, is transferred to the...

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Administrative Order No. 26

Under the authority of AS 44.l9.880(c), which states that the governor may establish coordinating or advisory planning groups within the Division of Policy Development and Planning, I hereby establish the Alaska Growth Policy Council. The council shall be composed of...

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Administrative Order No. 25

Under the authority of Section 1, Article III, Constitution of the State of Alaska, I hereby change the title of the Division of Planning and Research within the Office of the Governor to Division of Policy Development and Planning within the Office of the Governor....

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Administrative Order No. 24

Pursuant to authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by A.S. 44.17.060, the Equal Employment Opportunity functions now assigned to the Division of Personnel, Department of Administration, are transferred to the Office of the Governor along with...

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Administrative Order No. 23

Pursuant to authority vested in me by Article III, Sections 1 and 23 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, I hereby transfer the authority, duties, and personnel relating to the activities of the Public Employment Program with all Federal and State...

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Administrative Order No. 22

Pursuant to authority vested in me by Article III, Sections 1 and 23 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, I hereby transfer the authority, duties, and personnel relating to the activities of the Manpower Planning Agency with all Federal and State appropriations...

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Administrative Order No. 21

Pursuant to authority established through Article 3, Section 23 of the Constitution of Alaska, I hereby direct that there is administratively established the Alaska Energy Allocation Assistance Office within the Office of the Governor. In conjunction with a recent...

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Administrative Order No. 20

Recent increases in housing rentals, commodity prices, and service costs in Alaska appear to be imposing severe economic hardship upon many of our citizens. The Federal Economic Stabilization Program, particularly since the lifting of the rent freeze at the close of...

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Administrative Order No. 19

The opportunity for all students to obtain higher education is of benefit to both the individual students and the State. Many students do not possess sufficient financial resources to pursue higher education. There is established by statute (AS 14.40) an Alaskan...

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Administrative Order No. 18

By enactment of AS 18.80.200(a), the Alaska State Legislature has declared as a matter of legislative finding that discrimination against an inhabitant of the State because of race, religion, color, national origin, age, or sex is a matter of public concern and that...

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Administrative Order No. 17

WHEREAS, the Departments of Law, Labor, and Revenue have reported that there exists a general problem in collection of withholding and other taxes from professional and personal service contractors in the State; and WHEREAS, it would be contrary to the public interest...

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Administrative Order No. 16

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Article III, Section 23 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, it is hereby ordered: 1. That the Division of Protection within the Department of Fish and Game is now and hereafter shall be a Division within the Department...

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Administrative Order No. 15

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Sections 23 and 24, Article III, Constitution of the State of Alaska, the responsibility for coordination of the activities of the principal offices and departments of the State in carrying out functions assigned under the...

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Administrative Order No. 14

Under the authority of A. S. 44.19.171(c), I hereby authorize the expenditure of up to $250,000 from the Disaster Relief Fund to be used to minimize the effects of the August flooding in the Matanuska Valley. An immediate authorization of $100,000 is to be made to the...

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Administrative Order No. 13

Under the authority of AS 44.17.060, I order that: All functions and responsibilities relating to the Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System (CAMPS) now being administered by the Department of Labor are transferred to the Office of the Governor, Division of...

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