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Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 200

Establishing an Alaska’s Clean Water Actions (ACWA) policy of unifying and strengthening state natural resource agency efforts to protect, assess, and restore Alaska’s waters and aquatic habitat.

Administrative Order No. 196

Authorizing expenditures from the disaster relief fund to assist in the replacement of essential facilities and equipment at the Sleetmute community center which was destroyed by fire on December 20, 2001.

Administrative Order No. 195

Recognizing the findings of the Governor’s Commission on Tolerance and implementing procedures to renew the state’s commitment to diversity in the state workplace free from discrimination and harassment.

Administrative Order No. 194

Authorizing expenditures from the disaster relief fund for costs incurred by the Division of Emergency Services and other state agencies in responding to the Shishmaref sea-surge storm damage and in protecting the City of Shishmaref from the threat of further damage.

Administrative Order No. 191

Authorizing expenditures from the disaster relief fund for costs incurred by the Division of Emergency Services and other agencies for interim restoration of the Emergency Alert System for the Northwest Arctic.

Administrative Order No. 188

Establishes the Alaska Highway National Gas Policy Council. Amends Administrative Order No. 187 to change the name of the Gas Pipelines Cabinet to the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Cabinet, and revokes Administrative Order 152.

Administrative Order No. 187

Outlines the processes and responsibilities of Designated Agencies in state permitting, authorizations and oversight of natural gas pipelines construction, establishes the Gas Pipelines Cabinet, supersedes portions of Administrative Order No. 134 and revokes Administrative Order No. 70.

Administrative Order No. 186

Revoke Administrative Order 125 and establish the State of Alaska’s policy on Tribes and their Tribal Governments.

Administrative Order No. 185

Revoke Administrative Order 162 and re-establish the Alaska State Community Service Commission and transfer the Commission to the Department of Education and Early Development.

Administrative Order No. 184

Authorizing expenditures from disaster relief fund for Division of Emergency Services involvement in the Village of Napaskiak’s ice jam flood event clean-up.

Administrative Order No. 183

Requiring Executive Branch agencies to post public notices on the State of Alaska’s Online Public Notice website.

Administrative Order No. 182

Designating the Alaska Human Resource Investment Council as the State Workforce Investment Board required under the Work Force Investment Act, and designating the State Workforce Investment Areas.

Administrative Order No. 178

Findings: regarding the Declaration of Disaster Emergency due to the catastrophically low salmon returns in certain communities and the region of Western Alaska.

Administrative Order No. 176

Ordering the Disaster Relief Fund to cover expenditures of qualified individuals for certain essential needs in the Regions of Western Alaska due to the catastrophically Low salmon returns.

Administrative Order No. 175

Ordering findings concerning the siting and construction of State owned, and State financed construction projects.

Administrative Order No. 173

Ordering the Division of Emergency Services to convene a task force to address erosion problems in the City of Kotzebue and authorization expenditures from the Disaster Relief Fund to cover costs incurred by the Division of Emergency Services, the Department of Transportation, and State agencies as a direct result of involvement in the City of Kotzebue’s severe rainstorm and sea surge event.

Administrative Order No. 172

Ordering expenditures from the Disaster Relief Fund to cover the Division of Emergency Services cost relating to the Chalkyitsik / Fort Yukon flood.

Administrative Order No. 171

Expanding the duties of the Governor’s Committee on Employment of people with disabilities; and dissolving the State Rehabilitation Advisory Council and the Assistive Technologies Advisory Council in the Department of Education.

Administrative Order No. 169

Authorizing disaster relief fund expenditures for expenses incurred by Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, Division of Emergency Services, for emergency response to Bering and Chukchi Sea Communities storm damage.

Administrative Order No. 168

Amending Administrative Order 165 to increase membership of the Governor’s Advisory Task Force on Civil Justice Reform.

Administrative Order No. 167

Directing the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs to coordinate the State of Alaska’s emergency assistance to the City of Petersburg regarding the severe water shortage.

Administrative Order No. 163

Requesting waiver of fees of all State Agencies Important Document replacement for residents of Mat-Su Borough and City of Houston due to fire.

Administrative Order No. 161

Establishing Governor’s Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska Citizens Advisory (TRAAK), and revokes Administrative Order 136.

Administrative Order No. 159

Directing the Department of Commerce and Economic Development to administer laws and regulations of the big game commercial services industry.

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