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Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 150

Establishing a 40 hour work-week policy for exempt employees in Executive Branch, subject to salary adjustment approval.

Administrative Order No. 148

Restricting the use of Department of Public Safety’s designs for uniforms, badges, vehicle markings, decals and other emblems of the Alaska State Troopers and the Division of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement.

Administrative Order No. 143

Designating responsibility for the administration of all Community Services Block Grant programs and federal monies to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs.

Administrative Order No. 142

Transferring the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Administration.

Administrative Order No. 139

Rename the Division of Pioneers’ Benefits to the Division of Senior Services and assign the Older Alaskans Commission to the Division of Senior Services.

Administrative Order No. 136

Establishing the Governor’s Outdoor Recreation and Trails Advisory Committee (GORTAC) as the state outdoor advisory committee for the purposes of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (P.L. 88-578) and the Symms National Recreational Trails Act of 1991 (P.L. 102-240) as amended.

Administrative Order No. 131

Renaming the Division of Rural Development in the Department of Community and Regional Affairs as the Division of Community and Rural Development.

Administrative Order No. 129

Establishing the policy, guidelines and procedures to ensure state agency compliance with Title I and II of the 1990 American with Disabilities Act (ADA), establishing the Statewide ADA Coordinator.

Administrative Order No. 128

Establishing policy for the Division of Audit and Management Services, Office of Management and Budget, and defining the qualifications of the division director.

Administrative Order No. 124

Transferring the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development to the Department of Natural Resources.

Administrative Order No. 6

Ordering all departments and agencies to continue using the same time system that has been in effect throughout this summer (1967) until U.S. Department of Transportation established official time zones.

Administrative Order No. 5

Ordering all future contracts entered into or approved by the State shall include the local autonomy and non-discrimination provision.

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