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Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 266

AO 266 Establishes Regulatory Efficiency Guidelines to use in the review, oversight, adoption, amendment, and repeal of regulations and in the recommendation of improvements to Alaska Statutes.

Administrative Order No. 266

AO 266 Establishes Regulatory Efficiency Guidelines to use in the review, oversight, adoption, amendment, and repeal of regulations and in the recommendation of improvements to Alaska Statutes.

Administrative Order No. 265

AO 265 Establishes the Alaska Food Resource Working Group to recommend policies and measures to increase the purchase and consumption of local wild seafood and farm products.

Administrative Order No. 264

AO 264 Revokes Administrative Order No. 260 and reestablishes the Alaska Military Force Advocacy and Structure Team (AMFAST).

Administrative Order No. 263

AO 263 Addressing the risks of Marine debris from the March 2011 Tòhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Administrative Order No. 262

AO 262 Locates the Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator in the Department of Administration.

Administrative Order No. 261

AO 261 Establish an education data sharing (EDS) policy to promote the sharing of unit level data among State agencies and institutions relative to higher education and career outcomes for Alaska’s citizens.

Administrative Order No. 260

AO 260 Revokes Administrative Order No. 256 and reestablishes the Alaska Military Force Advocacy and Structure Team (AMFAST).

Administrative Order No. 259

AO 259 Re-establishes the Serve Alaska Commission and amends the commission’s membership structure and duties.

Administrative Order No. 257

AO 257 Merging the Office of Economic Development and the Division of Investments within the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development into a single division called the Division of Economic Development.

Administrative Order No. 256

AO 256 Revokes Administrative Order No. 253 and reestablishes the Alaska Military Force Advocacy and Structure Team (AMFAST).

Administrative Order No. 252

AO 252 Affirming Administrative Order 243 establishing the Governor’s Coordinated Transportation Task force, and extending the date for its final report and duration of the task force.

Administrative Order No. 250

AO 250 Affirming Administrative Order 247 concerning the Alaska Rural Action Subcabinet, and adding the Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game to the subcabinet.

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