Transferring Equal Employment Opportunity Program to Office of the Governor.
Administrative Orders
Administrative Order No. 23
Transferring Public Employment Program to Department of Labor.
Administrative Order No. 22
Transferring Manpower Planning Agency to Department of Labor.
Administrative Order No. 21
Alaska Energy Allocation Assistance Office.
Administrative Order No. 20
Establishing the Office of Rent, Price, and Costs Review within the Office of the Governor.
Administrative Order No. 19
Ordering the Commissioner of Education is responsible for administering the Guaranteed Loan Program for Alaska students.
Administrative Order No. 18
Equal Employment Opportunity.
Administrative Order No. 17
Ordering inclusion of “PAYMENT OF TAXES” clause in all future contracts entered into by the State.
Administrative Order No. 16
Transferring Division of Protection from the Department of Fish and Game to the Department of Public Safety.
Administrative Order No. 15
Defining natural disasters and setting forth the Alaska Disaster Office as responsible agency.
Administrative Order No. 14
Authorizing expenditure of up to $250,000 from Disaster Relief Fund to be used in the Matanuska Valley (August flood).
Administrative Order No. 13
Transferring CAMPS from the Department of Labor to the Office of the Governor, Division of Planning and Research.
Administrative Order No. 12
Transferring from the Division of Planning and Research to the Local Affairs Agency the authorized representative to the Office of Economic Opportunity.
Administrative Order No. 11
Rescinding Executive Order No. 36 and placing the Neighbor Youth Corps under the Office of the Governor.
Administrative Order No. 3
Appointing the Governor’s Executive Assistant as Acting Commissioner to the Department of Economic Development and Planning because of limited funds appropriated by the Legislature.
Administrative Order No. 2
Changing name of “Division of Civil Defense” to the “Alaska Disaster Office”.
Administrative Order No. 2
Declaration of Major Disaster (Earthquake).
Administrative Order No. 1
Setting forth terminology used in describing orders issued from the Office of the Governor.