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Administrative Order No. 355

I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1, 23, and 24 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, find and direct the following:


Alaska has a skilled workforce focused on the development, maintenance, and operation of large-scale energy projects. The State also has tremendous opportunity to develop abundant renewable energy resources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal. Increasing investment in Alaska-based energy projects is necessary to lower the cost of energy in Alaska, which is central to our State’s long-term growth and development.

Paramount to unlocking Alaska’s vast potential for renewable energy is the review and modernization of Alaska’s current statutory and regulatory framework for energy resource development. Recommending updates to governing law to meet the needs of modern-day Alaska can provide a path to lowering energy costs for Alaskans and increasing Alaska’s global competitiveness in areas such as manufacturing and export. Modernizing Alaska’s legal framework also allows the energy industry to continue to set the standard for the development of safe, reliable, and affordable energy resources for the benefit of the entire State. This aligns with our goals to diversify our energy portfolio and create sustainable, long-term economic opportunities for Alaskans.

A comprehensive review of those statutes and regulations applicable to large-scale renewable energy projects, including leasing and permitting, is essential to establishing a more conducive environment for renewable energy projects that have the potential to lower our energy costs and bolster our export potential.


I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, order the following:

The State’s energy policy will be focused on developing and maintaining a robust and diverse energy supply portfolio that emphasizes affordability and reliability for consumers. This energy portfolio shall also advance renewable energy parallel to our other well established natural resource development sectors. To achieve parity between renewable and established resource development sectors:

1. The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources shall conduct a thorough review of current state leasing and permitting statutes and regulations applicable to large-scale renewable energy project development.

2. This review must consider the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of the regulations in comparison to those for other natural resource development and identify specific areas where processes can be aligned with or adapted from the frameworks used for other successful resource development projects, ensuring they facilitate rather than hinder large-scale renewable energy development.

3. The review shall develop recommendations aimed at streamlining procedures, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and fostering a supportive environment for large-scale renewable energy projects.

4. The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources shall submit a report to the Governor’s office by October 1, 2024 , detailing the findings and proposed recommendations. This report should also include a strategic plan for implementing the recommended changes.


Consistent with law and available appropriations, each affected State agency shall utilize existing personnel and resources to comply with this Order.

The Department of Natural Resources shall conduct at least one public meeting with stakeholders, including energy developers. Notice of all public meetings shall be in accordance with AS 44.62.310 and 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act).

Records of the activity of the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources conducted in furtherance of this Order are subject to inspection, copying, and distribution as public records under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.220.


This Order takes effect immediately and remains in effect until revoked.

DATED this 2nd day of May 2024.


Final Report with Appendices

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