I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1 and 24 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, and in accordance with AS 44.19.145(c), issue Administrative Order 330 to establish the Governor’s Parent/Foster Parent Collaborative Council (Council).
The Office of Children’s Services works in partnership with families, tribes, and communities to support the safety, permanency, and well-being of Alaska’s children and youth through the provision of a wide range of services and support systems. Services focus on enhancing families’ capacities to give children a healthy start, to provide children with safe and permanent homes, to maintain cultural connections, and to help children realize their potential.
The goal of the Council is for members to provide feedback on experiences with the child welfare system and provide recommendations to the Office of the Governor and the Office of Children’s Services that will ultimately improve the safety, permanency, and well-being for Alaska’s children and families.
The Council will have 13 members. All Council members are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor. The Governor shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from the members. Membership is as follows:
- One Current Foster Parent (Non-Relative).
- One Current Foster Parent (Relative).
- One Adoptive Family Representative.
- One Foster Care service provider.
- Two adults who have graduated from the foster care system.
- One State of Alaska Office of Children’s Services representative.
- One State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development representative.
- One Parent that did experience successful family reunification.
- One Parent that did not experience successful family reunification.
- Two Service providers or organizations providing services related to parenting skills and supportive services.
- One Guardian ad Litem.
The Council shall:
- Attend monthly board meetings.
- Partner with the existing Resource Family Advisory Board.
- Make recommendations on components of support, treatment, or other services that would be most valued and utilized by resource families.
- Make recommendations on effective recruitment and retention of resource families.
- Make recommendations on policy and procedures that may impact a foster family’s ability to provide safe, nurturing care.
- Make recommendations on possible training opportunities for resource families and OCS Protection Specialists.
- Provide feedback on the child welfare system’s performance strengths and weaknesses.
- Provide recommendations on strategies to increase effective communication between foster parents, parents, and OCS.
- The Council shall deliver a status report to the Governor by September 1, 2022.
The Council is initially assigned to the Office of the Governor for administrative support. Consistent with law and available appropriations, the Office of the Governor shall provide administrative support for the Council using existing personnel and monetary resources.
Council members receive no compensation or other remuneration from the State as members of the Council. Members of the Council who are not state or federal employees are entitled to per diem and travel expenses in the same manner permitted for members of state boards and commissions. Per diem and travel expenses for members of the Council who are representatives of a state or federal agency are the responsibility of that agency.
The Council may create advisory-only subcommittees.
The Council shall meet monthly at a minimum. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair. The Council and its subcommittees may use teleconferencing and other electronic means, to the extent practicable, in order to gain maximum public participation at minimum cost.
A majority of the Council’s voting members constitutes a quorum for conducting business. The Council shall establish procedures for voting and meetings of the Board. Proxy voting is not permitted. Meetings of the Council, or any subcommittees thereof, shall be conducted, and notice of meetings provided, in accordance with AS 44.62.310 – 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act).
Records of the Council and all subcommittees are subject to inspection, copying, and distribution as public records under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.220 except as otherwise provided by law.
This Order takes effect immediately.
DATED at this 14th day of December, 2021.
Mike Dunleavy