I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1 and 24, of the Alaska Constitution, hereby order the establishment of the first Governor’s Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP Council) within The Office of the Governor.
Alaska is home to 229 federally recognized tribes. Unfortunately, Alaska also has one of the highest rates of missing and murdered indigenous persons in the United States – especially women and young girls. In fact, murder is the third-leading cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native women and rates of violence on reservations and in rural areas are up to ten times higher than the national average.
The MMIP Council is formed for the purpose of facilitating interagency collaboration to significantly reduce violence against Alaska Native people generally and the numbers of missing and murdered indigenous persons specifically.
The MMIP Council will be comprised of 11 voting members and two ex-officio members. All voting members are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor. The Governor shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from the voting members. Membership will be as follows:
- The Attorney General of Alaska, or designee.
- The Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, or designee.
- The Commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services, or designee.
- One Village Public Safety Officer, Village Public Officer, or tribal police officer.
- One representative from the Alaska Bureau of Investigation.
- One representative from the Municipality of Anchorage Police Department.
- One representative from the Council on Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault.
- Two representatives from a victim advocacy organization or similar service provider.
- One representative from an Alaska Native tribal entity.
- One representative from a non-profit service provider, or similar entity.
Ex-Officio members:
The Governor requests two ex-officio members, one who is a member of the Alaska State Senate appointed by the Senate President, and one who is a member of the Alaska House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House.
The MMIP Council shall prepare a report for the Governor that:
- Provides recommendations for the development of a public awareness, education, and outreach campaign for affected communities.
- Provides recommendations for improving interagency cooperation relative to missing person protocols.
- Provides recommendations for improving public safety in tribal communities that have no law enforcement presence.
- Provide recommendations on ways to improve investigations, including data/information collection and sharing.
The MMIP Council shall deliver its report to the Governor by October 15, 2022.
The MMIP Council is assigned to the Office of the Governor. Consistent with applicable law and available appropriations, the Office of the Governor shall provide administrative support for the MMIP Council using existing personnel and monetary resources.
MMIP Council members receive no compensation or other remuneration from the State as members of the MMIP Council. Members of the MMIP Council who are not state or federal employees are entitled to per diem and travel expenses in the same manner permitted for members of state boards and commissions. Per diem and travel expenses for members of the MMIP Council who are a representative of a state or federal agency are the responsibility of that agency.
The MMIP Council may create advisory-only subcommittees.
The MMIP Council will meet monthly, at a minimum. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair.
The MMIP Council and its subcommittees will use teleconferencing and other electronic means, to the extent practicable, in order to gain maximum public participation at minimum cost.
At times and locations to be determined by the Chair, the MMIP Council may convene public meetings to present information and receive comments.
A majority of the members of the MMIP Council constitutes a quorum for conducting business. Meetings of the MMIP Council, or any subcommittees thereof, shall be conducted, and notice of meetings provided, in accordance with AS 44.62.310 and 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act).
Records of the MMIP Council, and all subcommittees are subject to inspection, copying, and distribution as public records under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.220.
This Order takes effect immediately.
DATED this 14th day of December 2021.
Mike Dunleavy
Final Report is Available Here