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Administrative Order No. 305

I, Michael J. Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1 and 24, of the State of Alaska Constitution, establish Statewide Human Resources Consolidation.


Human Resource (HR) functions and positions have transferred back and forth between the agencies and the Department of Administration (DOA), Division of Personnel and Labor Relations (DOPLR) over the years. Most recently, a Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 centralization was partially reversed in FY 2012, with some management services, employment services, and recruitment functions returning to the agencies. Additional HR tasks have been delegated to the agencies in the ensuing years, with DOPLR retaining most of payroll, classification, training and development, equal employment opportunity, and higher level labor relations duties.

Currently, each agency’s HR Manager position is delegated HR authority through an individual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DOPLR and agency leadership. These MOU’s may be modified depending on the skill and expertise level of the specific incumbent HR Manager and can be modified by DOPLR as needed.

When HR was decentralized in FY 2012, statewide HR costs went up immediately, primarily due to agencies hiring more HR staff. In addition, DOPLR lost the ability to manage vacancies and provide standardized training and supervision.

Anticipated benefits from consolidating personnel who perform HR functions include: staff reductions; standardized, streamlined processes that improve efficiencies and generate cost savings; and greater consistency, management oversight, and control in HR decisions and actions that impact the Executive Branch.


The purpose of this order is to streamline and increase accountability of HR activities within the Executive Branch of State government by realigning HR staff to create a clear reporting structure to the Director of DOPLR in DOA and within the respective agencies.


HR staff in the following Executive Branch agencies are reassigned to the Department of Administration in accordance with the implementation plan referenced in the Timeframes section of this order.

  • Department of Administration
  • Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
  • Department of Corrections
  • Department of Education and Early Development
  • Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Department of Fish and Game
  • Department of Health and Social Services
  • Department of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Department of Law
  • Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Natural Resources
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Department of Revenue
  • Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Non-Executive state agencies are not included in this realignment. Under the realignment, Executive Branch HR staff will support their assigned agency’s mission, while focusing on providing standardized, consistent, and quality services in all areas of HR and personnel, including:

  • Equal employment opportunity;
  • Training and development;
  • Classification of positions;
  • Management services, such as employee counseling, research, and planning;
  • Recruitment;
  • Payroll; and
  • Employment services, such as reemployment, employee records, ADA, and family medical leave.

HR staff will form a statewide team that supports each other with expertise and cross-coverage. The task force referenced under the Task Force section of this order will develop and establish performance measures to track, monitor, and report on indicators of success.

Task Force

Effective immediately, a task force is established and delegated the authority for overall implementation of this order, subject to the Governor’s final approval. The task force will develop and establish performance measures to track, monitor, and report on indicators of success. The task force will be comprised of the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, the Director of the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations, and the OMB Management Director. Department heads and agency staff are directed to provide complete cooperation in effecting this reorganization.


Effective immediately, the task force, in partnership with designated agency Human Resource personnel and the State’s Administrative Services Directors, will develop the HR consolidation implementation plan and timeline, with implementation to begin in Fiscal Year 2020.

Resource Allocation

The task force is charged, in cooperation with the Office of Management and Budget, with the responsibility for determining the appropriate allocation and transfer of personnel, travel, contractual, equipment, space, data processing, and any other budgetary resources to ensure the effective implementation of this order.


This Order takes effect immediately and remains in effect until rescinded.

Dated this 13th day of February, 2019

/s/Michael J. Dunleavy

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