I, Bill Walker, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1 and 24 of the Alaska Constitution, and in accordance with AS 44.19.145(c), revoke Administrative Order 277 and re-establish the Governor’s Tribal Advisory Council to add an additional member.
The State of Alaska (State) has 229 federally recognized tribes (Tribes) that are confronted with many challenges, many of which are shared by the State. Through better understanding, the Tribes and the State can turn many of these challenges into opportunities.
Due to vast geographic scope and limited resources, Tribes have had to develop innovative policies, programs, and practices to provide necessary services to tribal members as well as nonmembers. The establishment of the Governor’s Tribal Advisory Council (Council) will provide a forum for open, respectful, and informed dialogue on the full range of issues facing the Tribes and recommend action for opportunities for the Tribes and the State.
The State recognizes the leadership of Tribes in creating an Alaska Native health care system through contracting and compacting under tribal authority with the Indian Health Service. For example, tribal innovation and health service leadership have created an Alaska health care delivery system the envy of all in the health care field. Such Tribal initiative has benefitted the State and its people immeasurably. Working together, the State and the Tribes can continue to meet shared responsibilities with innovation, enterprise, and use of Tribal, State, federal, and private resources for maximum benefit to all Alaskans.
Duties and Goals of the Council
The mission of the Council is to identify areas of concern and opportunity shared by the State and the Tribes and to suggest policy, programs and other means and methods for solutions and progress. The goal is to maximize opportunity, resolve issues, and generate timely, efficient, and effective responses to both pressing and long-range matters affecting the State and the Tribes.
The Council may request, through the Office of the Governor, non-confidential information, and assistance from State departments and agencies in the conduct of its work.
The Council shall meet quarterly at the call of the Governor and the Chair, as may be required.
The Council shall provide an annual report to the Governor by November 15 of each year summarizing its work during the prior year.
Consistent with law and available appropriations, the Council will be administered in the Office of the Governor, which will provide required assistance and support necessary to the conduct of the work of the Council.
Composition and Chair
The Council consists of 12 members who represent Alaska’s federally recognized Tribes’ interests in education, health care, subsistence, energy, public safety, justice, wildlife, fisheries, economic development, housing, transportation, language, and culture, At least one member shall be a youth representing the interests of Alaska’s federally recognized Tribes. Tribal councils may nominate individuals for the Council. Council members shall be appointed by the Governor and serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
The term of membership is three years. Members previously appointed under the authority of Administrative Order 277 shall continue to serve their existing terms as appointed. Members may be reappointed by the Governor for successive terms.
A chair and officers shall be selected annually by the Council from among the membership.
General Provisions
Council members receive no compensation or other remuneration from the State as members of the Council.
The Council may convene public meetings to facilitate the conduct of its work. Meetings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with AS 44.62.310 – 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act). The Council may use teleconferencing or other electronic means to the extent practicable to gain the widest public participation at minimum cost.
Meetings of the Council shall require a quorum of a majority of members. The Council may create committees to facilitate its work.
Records of the Governor’s Tribal Advisory Council are subject to inspection and copying as public records under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.220.
This Order takes effect immediately. Administrative Order No. 277 is revoked.
DATED at Juneau, Alaska, this 3rd day of December, 2017.
/s/Bill Walker