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Administrative Order No. 204

Under the authority of art. III, secs. 1, 23, and 24 of the Alaska Constitution, and AS 44.17.060 and 44.17.070, I order the following changes in the organization of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and, under the authority of AS 44.19.028, establish temporary interim advisory boards, as follows:

1. The commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is ordered and authorized to implement the reorganization of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities as set out in this Order so as to maximize the efficient administration of that department and to provide more effective service to the public.

2. A position is established for a deputy commissioner for Highways and Public Facilities. The Statewide Planning Division, the Statewide Design and Engineering Services Division, the office of Statewide Maintenance, and the office of Statewide Construction shall report to this officer.

3. The Alaska Marine Highway System shall be administered as a division within the Headquarters Unit of the department by a director of marine operations who reports directly to the commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities.

4. An office of aviation leasing is established within the department for the purpose of exercising the aviation leasing powers of the department and other agencies under the supervision of the commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities.

5. Divisions within the Headquarters Unit responsible for aviation functions of the department, including Alaska International Airport System Controller, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, Fairbanks International Airport, Rural Airports, and the office of aviation leasing established by Paragraph 4 of this Order, shall report to the deputy commissioner who shall in turn report to the commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities.

6. Two temporary interim advisory boards to the commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities are established. The purpose of these advisory boards is to provide recommendations to the commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities on public policy related to the department’s exercise of the aviation and marine transportation functions assigned by law. The advisory boards may hold public hearings under the Open Meetings Act (AS 44.62.310 – 44.62.312) and use other means to solicit information from the public and other interested persons necessary to carry out their advisory functions. Records of the advisory boards are subject to AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.120.

7. The Aviation Advisory Board consists of nine members appointed by the governor:

  1. a representative of the Alaska Air Carriers Association;
  2. a representative of the Alaska Airmen’s Association;
  3. a representative of a cargo carrier that is a signatory to the Alaska International Airport System operating agreement;
  4. a representative of a passenger carrier that is a signatory to the Alaska International Airport System operating agreement;
  5. a representative who owns or is employed by a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135 air carrier;
  6. a representative who owns or is employed by a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 air carrier;
  7. a representative who owns or is employed by an air shipping company;
  8. a manager of a federally certificated rural airport; and
  9. a member representing other interests the governor determines appropriate.

To provide geographic balance on the Aviation Advisory Board, at least one member shall be from each of the four judicial districts of the state.

8. The Marine Transportation Advisory Board consists of the following nine members appointed by the governor:

  1. a member representing labor unions of employees of the Alaska Marine Highway System;
  2. a member from northern Southeast Alaska representing the municipalities of Haines, Juneau, Sitka, or Skagway;
  3. a member from southern Southeast Alaska representing the municipality of Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Metlakatla, Petersburg, Wrangell, and cities and communities of Prince of Wales Island;
  4. a member from Southeast Alaska representing the cities of Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Pelican, and Tenakee;
  5. a member from Prince William Sound/Kenai Peninsula representing the cities of Cordova, Seward, Valdez, and Whittier, the City and Borough of Yakutat, and the communities of Chenega Bay and Tatitlek;
  6. a member from Southwest Alaska/Aleutian Chain/Alaska Peninsula representing the cities of Akutan, Chignik, Cold Bay, False Pass, Homer, King Cove, Kodiak, Port Lions, Sand Point, Seldovia, and Unalaska/Dutch Harbor;
  7. a member who is a commercial user of the Alaska Marine Highway System;
  8. a member who is a member of the Alaska Travel Industry Association; and
  9. a member representing other interests the governor determines appropriate.

For the members described in (d) – (f) in this paragraph, the Alaska Regional Economic Development Organization for the region (AS 44.33.895) shall provide the governor with a list of qualified candidates from which he may make an appointment to the board.

9. Each advisory board established by this order shall elect a member to serve as chair. Advisory board members appointed under this Order do not receive compensation as members of the Aviation Advisory Board or the Marine Transportation Advisory Board. Advisory Board members who are not state employees are entitled to per diem and travel expenses in the same manner permitted for members of state boards and commissions.

10. The commissioner is authorized to make other organizational adjustments needed to fully implement the intent of this order.

11. In this order

  1. “department” means the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
  2. “Headquarters Unit” means the office of the commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.

This Order takes effect immediately.

DATED at Juneau, Alaska, this 15th day of January, 2003.

/s/Frank H. Murkowski

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