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Administrative Order No. 193

I, Tony Knowles, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority granted by art. III, secs. 1 and 16, of the Alaska Constitution, hereby establish the Alaska Trails System.


The Alaska Trails System is the aggregate of all the trails in Alaska that have been nominated, evaluated, and recommended for the Alaska Trails System by the Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska Citizens Advisory Board (TRAAK Board), and designated by this Order or by the Department of Natural Resources as included in that system.


Certain trails in Alaska are of such importance, in terms of recreational, scenic, and historical values, that they merit special recognition and support. By this Order, this group of preeminent trails will hereafter belong to the Alaska Trails System.

The purpose of establishing the Alaska Trails System is to identify, recognize, finance, and promote trails and related facilities that attract such a wide range of users that they are of statewide significance. The Alaska Trails System will connect communities, natural areas, and trail users for the benefit of all Alaskans, as well as visitors to our state. The creation of this statewide network of specially recognized trails does not affect existing rights of land ownership or jurisdiction, and is intended to further effectuate Administrative Order No. 161, under which the TRAAK Board was established.


Creation of the Alaska Trails System will produce the following benefits:

  1. Encourage development and public understanding of the concept of an interconnected trail network;
  2. Provide for consistent identification of trails that cross jurisdictional boundaries;
  3. Assure that segments of the statewide system are developed and maintained to consistent standards, offering trail users a high quality recreational experience;
  4. Provide agencies, land managers, and user groups incentives to develop high quality trails that meet Alaska Trails System standards;
  5. Enhance private and public financing opportunities, draw new trail users, encourage respect for trail environments, and generate new revenue for the communities along the trails;
  6. Offer technical assistance to landowners, managers, and trail users; and
  7. Provide educational opportunities and promote public health for visitors and residents of all ages.

Initial List of Alaska Trails System Trails Designated By This Order

The following is the initial list of trails designated as Alaska Trails System trails by this Order:

  1. Bald Eagle Preserve Trail-Haines
  2. Caines Head Trail-Seward
  3. Chena Dome Trail-Fairbanks
  4. Chena Hot Springs Trail-Fairbanks
  5. Chilkoot Trail-Skagway
  6. Eklutna Lake Trail-Anchorage
  7. Forty Mile River Water Trail-Northeastern Alaska
  8. Ft. Abercrombie Trail-Kodiak
  9. Granite Tors Trail-Fairbanks
  10. Gulf of Alaska Trail-Yakutat
  11. Harbor Mountain/Gavan Hill Trail-Sitka
  12. Heney Ridge Trail-Cordova
  13. Iditarod Trail-Seward to Nome
  14. Innoko River Water Trail-Western Alaska
  15. Kachemak Bay State Park Trail System-Homer area
  16. Kisugi Ridge Trail-Susitna Valley near Talkeetna
  17. Lost Lake/Primrose Trail-Kenai Peninsula
  18. Lower Beaver Creek Water Trail-Northeastern Alaska
  19. Lower Sheenjek River Water Trail-Northeastern Alaska
  20. Mt. Edgecumbe Trail-Sitka
  21. Naha River Water Trail-Ketchikan area
  22. Nancy Lake Canoe Trail-Susitna Valley near Willow
  23. Nowitna River Water Trail-Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
  24. Perseverance Trail-Juneau
  25. Photo Point Trail-Juneau
  26. Power Creek/Crater Lake Trail-Cordova
  27. Prospect Heights Trail-Anchorage
  28. Resurrection Pass Trail-Kenai Peninsula
  29. Resurrection River Trail-Kenai Peninsula
  30. Russian Lakes Trail-Kenai Peninsula
  31. Selawik River Water Trail-Northwest Arctic Borough
  32. Shuyak Island Trail-Kodiak area
  33. Swanson River/Lakes Canoe Trail-Kenai Peninsula
  34. Tony Knowles Coastal Trail-Anchorage
  35. Totem Bight Trail-Ketchikan
  36. Totem Trail (Sitka National Historic Park)-Sitka
  37. Trail of Time-Juneau
  38. White Mountains Trail-Fairbanks area
  39. Wood River-Tikchik River Water Trails-near Dillingham
  40. Yukon-Charley Rivers Water Trail-Northeastern Alaska
  41. Yukon River Water Trail-Interior Alaska

Inclusion of Additional Trails in the Alaska Trails System:
Administrative Responsibilities

The TRAAK Board is responsible for evaluating and recommending additional trails for inclusion in the Alaska Trails System.

The Department of Natural Resources, in consultation with the TRAAK Board, shall develop criteria and procedures for the Department of Natural Resources’ designation of additional trails for the Alaska Trails System, and other procedures dealing with financing, monitoring, coordinating, promoting, reporting, and record keeping.

This Order takes effect immediately.

DATED at Wasilla, Alaska, this 21 day of September, 2001.

By: S/S Tony Knowles
Tony Knowles

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