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Administrative Order No. 168

I, Tony Knowles, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of art. III, sec. 1 of the Alaska Constitution, hereby amend my Administrative Order No.165.


On July 11, 1996, I signed Administrative Order No.165 creating the Governor’s Advisory Task Force on Civil Justice Reform (Advisory Task Force). Under Administrative Order No.165, the Advisory Task Force was established as a 15-member body. The purpose of this Administrative Order is to amend Administrative Order No. 165 to increase the Advisory Task Force from 15 members to 21 members, including five voting ex officio members. The Advisory Task Force needs’ an increase in membership in order to accommodate the heavy work load placed upon the Advisory Task Force. Under Administrative Order No.165, the Advisory Task Force must review and provide recommendations on complex issues relating to the Alaska civil justice system in a very compressed time period.


Therefore, Administrative Order No.165 is amended to provide that the Governor’s Advisory Task Force on Civil Justice Reform consists of the following members:

  1. sixteen members appointed by the governor; and
  2. five ex officio members, as follows:
    1. the attorney general;
    2. the deputy commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development;
    3. the director of the Division of Risk Management in the Department of Administration; and
    4. two legislators appointed by the governor.

This order takes effect immediately.

Dated this 16th day of September, 1996.

By: S/S Tony Knowles
Tony Knowles

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