I, Tony Knowles, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority vested in me by art. III, Sec. 19, of the Alaska Constitution, the Military Code of Alaska (AS 26.05), and AS 44.19.028, hereby amend my Administrative Order No.151.
On January 19, 1995, I signed Administrative Order No. 151 creating the Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry. Under Administrative Order No.151, the board of inquiry was established as a five-member body. The purpose of this administrative order is to amend Administrative Order No. 151 to increase the membership of the board of inquiry from five to seven members. The board of inquiry needs an increase in membership in order to accommodate the heavy work load placed upon the board. Under Administrative Order No. 151, the board of inquiry must review the complex problems facing the Alaska National Guard in a very compressed time period.
Therefore, Administrative Order No. 151 is amended to provide that the Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry consists of the following seven members:
- the Attorney General, or the Attorney General’s designee; and
- six members appointed by the Adjutant General.
This Order takes effect immediately.
Dated this 23 day of February, 1995.
By: S/S Tony Knowles
Tony Knowles