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Administrative Order No. 151

I, Tony Knowles, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority vested in me by art. III, sec. 19, of the Alaska Constitution, the Military Code of Alaska (AS 26.05), and AS 44.19.028, establish the Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry.


As commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard, it is my duty to ensure that the military forces of the state function in an efficient and effective manner while providing Alaskans with services in accordance with the mission of the Alaska National Guard. In order for my Administration to assess the effectiveness of the command within the Alaska National Guard, I order the Adjutant General to form an Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry, as provided in this Order, charged with reviewing the general working atmosphere within the Alaska National Guard, including the policies of those in command. After reviewing the boards report under this Order, the Adjutant General shall take appropriate action regarding the board’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations, focusing especially on systemic problems within the structure of the Alaska National Guard.


The Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry is established to advise the Adjutant General as provided in this Order. The five-member board is comprised of four members appointed by the Adjutant General. The fifth member is the Attorney General, or the Attorney General’s designee who, besides the other duties of a member of the board, serves as reporting secretary.

The board shall hold meetings at appropriate locations in the state to gather testimony and other information regarding the general working atmosphere within the Alaska National Guard, including the policies of those in command. The board, as it considers appropriate, shall verify all information and testimony presented to it.

At the conclusion of the meetings held under this Order, the board shall prepare a written report to the Adjutant General stating its findings and conclusions regarding the testimony it has received. In the report, the board may recommend changes in statutes, regulations, or disciplinary or other administrative policies that it considers to be in the best interests of the state and good military order and discipline. The report also shall be delivered to the Governor and the presiding officers of each house of the Legislature.


A quorum of the board must be present at board meetings. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum. The Adjutant General shall designate an appointed member as chair of the board. Board members who are not state employees serve without compensation and are entitled to per diem and travel expenses in the same manner permitted for members of other state boards and commissions.

Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with AS 44.62.310 (Open Meetings Law). The board shall keep a record of its meetings.

The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs shall provide for administrative services, recording, and transcription services necessary for the board to carry out its duties under this Order. In accordance with law, the department may enter into intergovernmental agreements necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Order.

This Order takes effect immediately.

The Alaska National Guard Board of Inquiry terminates on the adjournment date of the first session of the Nineteenth Alaska State Legislature.

Dated this 19 day of January, 1995.

By: S/S Tony Knowles
Tony Knowles

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