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Administrative Order No. 140

I, Walter J. Hickel Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by Alaska Statute 44.19.145(c), hereby establish the Alaska Rural Bulk Fuel Task Force (task force). The task force will be appointed by the governor. Members serve at the pleasure of the governor.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. The task force shall operate as the advisory board for the various state agencies involved in planning, repairs, construction, improvements, and site remediation of rural community bulk fuel storage facilities.

2. The task force will oversee the development and implementation of a statewide working plan to resolve the rural bulk fuel facility concerns of the state and federal government.

3. The task force:

  1. shall submit to the governor and the Legislature, at least annually, recommendations with respect to matters relating to its functions, including a status report on facility compliance with pertinent laws and regulations; and
  2. shall meet at least twice annually to review agency planning with respect to the bulk fuel storage issue; to review operation funding; to meet with industry representatives, the scientific community, state and federal agencies, and the Coast Guard involved in the bulk fuel storage issue; to meet with community leaders and the general public regarding the bulk fuel storage issue; and
  3. shall, through public awareness, elevate the sensitivity of hazardous material storage and the related public health/safety risks throughout the general public; and
  4. shall be composed of seven (7) members, representing specific aspects of rural bulk fuel storage concerns, in addition to the director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the commissioners of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs, the Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Department of Education. A seat on the task force will be made available for the commander of the U. & Coast Guard, or his/her designee. The task force shall be in effect until later modified. Terms shall be two (2) years, beginning upon the date of appointment. The commissioner of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs shall serve as chair.

Administrative Responsibilities

The Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy, is responsible for general administration and necessary operating budgets for essential task force issues.

This order takes effect immediately.

Dated this 2 day of Feb, 1994.

By: S/S Walter J. Hickel
Walter J. Hickel
Governor of the State of Alaska

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