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Administrative Order No. 72

Under the authority of art. III, Sec. 1 of the Alaska Constitution, I adopt the following procedures to facilitate the uninterrupted conduct of state business during the orderly transition between administrations:

  1. Until equipment is available to apply the facsimile signature of the Commissioner of Administration and, where applicable, the Commissioner of Labor to checks and warrants issued by the state, the Departments of Administration and Labor may continue to issue checks and warrants which bear the facsimile signature of Carole J. Burger, former Commissioner of the Department of Administration, and of Edmund N. Orbeck, former Commissioner of the Department of Labor. Checks and warrants issued during this interim period which bear the facsimile signature of the immediate predecessor in office are valid and executed in accordance with law.
  2. All delegations of authority, designations, certifications or other orders promulgated during the preceding administration which relate to the performance of essentially ministerial, rather than discretionary, acts remain effective unless specifically revoked by operation of law or by order of the appropriate department or agency head or acting head. By way of example, a designation of certifying officer authority or a delegation of purchasing authority remains in effect, but a delegation of regulation adoption authority executed pursuant to AS 44.17.010 does not.

I find the adoption of these procedures necessary for the efficient administration of state government.

This order takes effect on December 6, 1982.

DATED at Juneau, Alaska, this 6th day of December, 1982.

S/S Bill Sheffield
Bill Sheffield
Governor of the State of Alaska

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