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Administrative Order No. 51

Under the authority of Article III, Section 1, Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.880(c), I hereby establish, within the Division of Policy Development and Planning, the Office of Northern Technology.

  1. The Office of Northern Technology shall:
    1. assist the Governor, the legislature, and all state departments and agencies in developing and implementing small-scale northern technologies;
    2. gather and disseminate information and serve as a statewide clearinghouse for small-scale northern technologies;
    3. as funds are made available, make grants of financial assistance to persons engaged in the development of small-scale northern technologies;
    4. assist persons engaged in the development of small-scale northern technologies to obtain financial assistance from all available sources;
    5. serve as intergovernmental liaison for the state of Alaska in the area of small-scale northern technologies; and,
    6. coordinate its activities with those of the Alaska Council on Science and Technology.
  2. The Division of Policy Development and Planning shall, where appropriate, adopt procedures and guidelines for review and approval of grant applications submitted to the Office of Northern Technology.

This Order takes effect on Sept 1, 1978

S/S Jay S. Hammond
Jay S. Hammond
Governor of Alaska

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