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Administrative Order No. 41

Under the authority of Article III, of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.581, AS 44.19.591, and AS 44.17.060, it is ordered that:

  1. The functions of the Governor’ 5 Manpower Planning Council (GMPC), established by Administrative Order No. 30, are redescribed as follows:
    1. Advise the prime sponsor in the setting of basic goals, policies and procedures for programs under Title I, Title II, and Title VI of CETA;
    2. make recommendations regarding program plans, and continually assess needs for employment, training and related services;
    3. monitor all manpower programs funded under Title I, Title II, and Title VI of the Act; and
    4. provide for evaluation of other manpower and related programs operating in the state, exclusive of the Municipality of Anchorage, for the purpose of improving the utilization and coordination of those services.
  2. The GMPC will, to the extent practicable, be compromised of representatives of the following:
    1. Racial, linguistic, and other minorities,
    2. the director of employment security,
    3. educational and training institutions,
    4. business,
    5. labor,
    6. regional advisory councils, and
    7. other interested groups.
  3. No member of the GMPC may vote on matters having direct bearing on services to be provided by that member or his organization.
  4. I will appoint a chairperson of the GMPC and the manpower division will provide staff support. The GMPC may establish an executive committee and other committees and task forces in order to expedite its business. The chairperson may appoint members to each committee or task force or cause them to be elected by the council membership. The executive committee may act on behalf of the council. Minutes of the executive committee and council meetings shall be kept and transmitted to all council members.
  5. The prime sponsor may establish regional advisory councils along appropriate administrative and geographic boundaries in order to assist the GMPC. These advisory councils may elect a representative to the GMPC. The regional advisory councils’ primary purpose is to (1) assess manpower training needs in their respective regions, (2) evaluate manpower programs in their regions, and (3) enhance the communication and coordination between manpower operations at the state, regional, and local level.
  6. The primary purpose of the Alaska Manpower Services Council (AMSC), created by AS 44.19.591, is to review and monitor all youth and adult manpower activities within the state and advise and make recommendations concerning manpower activities to the governor and to the delegated prime sponsor and other prime sponsors undet CETA, state manpower agencies, and the public. The AMSC responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    1. reviewing prime sponsor, proposed modifications and comments therein;
    2. reviewing state agency plans for providing services to prime sponsors;
    3. making recommendations to improve the effectiveness of youth and adult manpower services through cooperation and coordination of manpower programs and a minimization of duplicative effort;
    4. monitoring continuously the operation of programs conducted by prime sponsors in the state
      and the availability, responsiveness, adequacy and effective coordination of state services provided by all manpower-related agencies; the AMSC must develop a procedure to implement this section and publicize the procedure before taking action; and
    5. submitting an annual report to the governor.
  7. Membership on the AMSC is as follows:
    1. the director of employment security;
    2. one representative of the State Board of Vocational Education;
    3. one or more representatives of any state agency I believe has an interest in manpower services in the state;
    4. one or more representatives of organized labor;
    5. one or more representatives of business and industry;
    6. one or more representatives of community-based organizations;
    7. one or more representatives of the population to be served;
    8. one or more representatives of the general public; and
    9. at least one-third of the membership must be representatives of other prime sponsors in the state.
  8. I will appoint a chairperson for the AMSC, and the manpower division will provide appropriate staff support. The AMSC may establish an executive committee and other committees and task forces in order to expedite the business of the council. The chairperson may appoint members to each committee or task force or cause them to be elected by the council membership. The executive committee may act on behalf of the council. Minutes of the executive committee and council meetings shall be kept and transmitted to all council members.
  9. The GMPC and the AMSC may meet jointly or separately as considered appropriate by their respective chairpersons in order to perform the functions as set out in this administrative order. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings. A quorum for each council is one more than one-half its full membership. Members shall attend meetings regularly and those not attending two consecutive meetings or three meetings in a year’s time may be removed by the governor. All members of both councils serve at the pleasure of the governor. Members serve for three-year terms, but the term for new appointees and for reappointees may be set at a lesser term by the governor in order to achieve an annual carryover of two-thirds of the respective memberships.
  10. This administrative order takes effect March 21, 1977, and supersedes Administrative Orders #30 and #39, with respect to the functions and membership of the two councils.

DATED at Juneau, Alaska, March 21 1977.

S/S Jay S. Hammond
Jay S. Hammond
Governor of Alaska

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