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Administrative Order No. 3

The 1965 Legislature reduced the budget of the Department of Economic Development and Planning from $701,000 in fiscal year 1963-1964 to $572,000 in fiscal year 1964-1965, a reduction of $129,000. The total appropriation for the Department for fiscal year l964-1965 was $686,000 including $114,000 for the Alaska Centennial Commission. Ch. 119, SLA 1964. For fiscal year 1963-1964 the appropriation for the Department was $701,000 not including an appropriation for the Alaska Centennial Commission. Ch. 104, SLA 1963; Ch. 99, SLA 1963. The net reduction was, therefore, $129,000 for fiscal year 1964-1965. Also, in Ch. 119, SLA 1964, a line item limits the appropriation for “Administration, Planning, and Research, and Industrial Development” to $177,000. The apparent explanation for this reduction is in a statement in the 1964 Senate Journal which is entitled “Explanatory Material Accompanying the Free Conference Committee of SCS for CS for HB No. 268.” On page 668 of the 1964 Senate Journal the following reference appears:

Department of Economic Development & Planning

In budgeting for administration, industrial development, and planning and research in this department, the conference committee foresees a complete reorganization of the department.

Pursuant to the legislature’s manifest intent and in order that the Department of Economic Development and Planning will be able to operate within its reduced appropriation for the fiscal year 1964-1965,

IT IS ORDERED that my Executive Assistant shall, in addition to his regular duties as Executive Assistant to the Governor, be the principal executive officer of the Department during the balance of this fiscal year; as principal executive officer of the Department he shall be the Acting Commissioner of the Department but shall receive no additional compensation. This temporary appointment will result in a savings of $17,000, the amount provided by law as salary for the Commissioner of the Department. The authority for this action is Art. III, Sec. 24 of the Alaska State Constitution which requires that each principal department shall be under the supervision of the Governor.

In order to further implement the legislative intent referred to herein I will eliminate whatever positions within the three divisions of the department appear to be at least necessary to carry out the duties of the department that are prescribed by law. In eliminating these positions I will, whenever possible, take into consideration existing vacancies and resignations in the department in order to minimize the hardships that will result from the legislative budget reduction.

This Order is effective on August 15, 1964.

Dated at Juneau, Alaska, this 15th day of August, 1964.


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