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Administrative Order No. 217

I, Frank H. Murkowski, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of art. III, secs. 1, 19, 23, and 24 of the Alaska Constitution, and AS 26.05.060, 26.05.180, 26.05.185, 26.05. 190, 26.05.210, 26.05.340, AS 26.20.025, AS 44.17.060, and 44.17.070, amend my Administrative Order No. 203.

On January 10, 2003, I signed Administrative Order No. 203 making organizational changes in the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs, which included the establishment of the Division of Homeland Security and the position of assistant commissioner for Homeland Security and Emergency Services. I have signed into law HCS CSSB 385(RLS) am H, which combines the Division of Emergency Services and the Division of Homeland Security into a single division in the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs, the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

The purpose of this Order is to amend Administrative Order No. 203 to further the consolidation of the Division of Emergency Services and Division of Homeland Security into the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, consistent with HCS CSSB 385(RLS) am H, and to eliminate the position of assistant commissioner for Homeland Security and Emergency Services.

The preamble to Administrative Order No. 203 is amended to change my Order that specified departments “assign personnel to the Division of Homeland Security to the Division of Homeland Security in the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs” to an order that they “assign personnel to the office of homeland security in the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs.”

Administrative Order No. 203 is amended by replacing the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4, and 6 of that Order with the following paragraphs:

3. There is established an office of the deputy commissioner for Military and Veterans’ Affairs. Reporting directly to the deputy commissioner for Military and Veterans’ Affairs are the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the deputy adjutant general, the Alaska Military Youth Academy, the Office of Veterans’ Affairs, and the Administrative Services Division. When the commissioner is not available, the deputy commissioner shall serve as the commissioner for matters not assigned under paragraph 5 of this Order.

4.The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management shall be headed by a division director. There shall exist within the division two offices, an office of homeland security and an office of emergency management.

6.The State of Alaska Departments of Administration, Health and Social Services, Environmental Conservation, Transportation and Public Facilities, and Public Safety shall each place one employee at the office of homeland security. These employees shall work at the daily direction of the head of the office of homeland security but shall be under the overall personnel and administrative supervision of their respective departments.

The remaining provisions of Administrative Order No. 203 are unchanged and continue in effect.

This Order takes effect immediately.

DATED at Juneau, Alaska, this 25th day of August, 2004.

/s/Frank H. Murkowski

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