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Administrative Order No. 137

I, Walter J. Hickel, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority granted by Article III of the Alaska Constitution and by Alaska Statute 44.17.060, hereby establish the Alaska Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (committee). The committee will be appointed by the governor to serve as the State Juvenile Justice Advisory Group under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (Act), 42 U.S.C. ยงยง 5601-5780 (1974).


1. The committee shall 6perate as the advisory board for all planning, administrative, and funding functions of the Act and have overall responsibility to develop and approve the state’s juvenile justice plan and to implement that plan. The committee shall perform all functions prescribed in sec. 223 (a) (3) of the Act.

2. The committee

  1. shall submit to the governor and the legislature, at least annually, recommendations with respect to matters relating to its functions, including state compliance with the requirements of the Act;
  2. may review and comment on all juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grant applications submitted to the state agency designated to supervise the preparation and administration of the plan; the review and comment shall be made no later than 30 days after the submission of such applications to the advisory group; and
  3. may contact and seek regular input from juveniles currently under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system.

3. The committee may be given a role in monitoring state compliance with the requirements of the Act, in advising the state agency designated to supervise the preparation and administration of the plan, and local criminal justice advisory board composition, and in review of the progress and accomplishments of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention projects funded under the comprehensive state plan.


Committee membership requirements are prescribed in Sec. 223(a) (3) of the Act and will be met through the following appointments:

  1. locally elected officials, representatives of units of local government, law enforcement, and juvenile justice agencies, such as: law enforcement, correction or probation personnel; juvenile or family court judges; and public agencies concerned with delinquency prevention or treatment such as welfare, social services, mental health, education, special education, or youth services departments;
  2. representatives of private organizations, including those with a special focus on maintaining and strengthening the family unit, those representing parents or parent groups, those concerned with delinquency prevention and treatment and with neglected or dependent children, and those concerned with the quality of juvenile justice, education, or social services for children;
  3. representatives of organizations that use volunteers to do work with delinquents or potential delinquents;
  4. representatives of community-based delinquency prevention treatment programs;
  5. representatives of business groups or businesses employing youths;
  6. youth workers involved with alternative youth programs; and
  7. persons with special experience and competence in addressing the problems of the family, school violence and vandalism, and learning disabilities.

This order takes effect immediately.

DATED at Juneau, Alaska, this 4th day of August, 1993.

By: S/S Walter J. Hickel
Walter J. Hickel
Governor of the State of Alaska

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