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Administrative Order No. 57

In accordance with Article III, Section 1 of the Alaska Constitution and AS 44.19.060, the Alaska International Trade Commission is hereby created in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development.

The purpose of the commission is to stimulate and assist the interaction of trade and finance between Alaska and foreign trading partners which will enhance and encourage development opportunities beneficial to Alaska.

In the performance of its duties, the commission shall

  1. seek and encourage export trade promotion and foreign investment in Alaska in cooperation with private enterprise and the Department of Commerce and Economic Development program for international trade;
  2. advise the Governor, foreign industries and the Alaska business community of potential investment opportunities and possible business relationships;
  3. facilitate or represent business groups wishing to investigate commercial aims or interests by assisting with contacts and arrangements, put into communication interested parties and, in general, increase the exchange of dialogue between foreign business groups and Alaska business groups;
  4. assist in making an exchange of industrial technicians, specialists and experts to the Alaska and foreign business communities and interested business groups.

The chairman of the commission is the commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Members of the commission representing business, industry, finance and State government are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The director of the Division of Economic Enterprise serves as secretary to the commission. Staff support shall be provided by the Division of Economic Enterprise.

Members of the commission receive no salary for their service on the commission, but are entitled to per diem and travel expenses authorized by law for boards and commissions.

In accordance with AS 44.19.060, the commission established by this administrative order will remain in existence only until the close of the Second Session of the Eleventh Alaska State Legislature. Legislation has been introduced (HB 424) during the First Session of the Eleventh Alaska State Legislature to create a commission such as this as a permanent entity.

DATED this 30 day of July, 1979 in Juneau, Alaska.

S/S Jay S. Hammond
Jay S. Hammond
Governor of Alaska

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