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Safe Boating Week

Safe Boating Week

WHEREAS, Alaska offers limitless outdoor activities on the multitude of available waterways; from kayaking to river rafting, sport fishing to boating, Alaska’s lakes, rivers, and coastline are used for recreation, work, and transportation; and WHEREAS, Alaska has...

Alaska Mining Day

Alaska Mining Day

WHEREAS, mining was the primary driving force for early development of Alaska and has continued to play a vital role in our economy; and WHEREAS, from the Alaska Natives who mined and traded jade, to the sourdoughs who flooded north to pan for gold, to the...

Agriculture Day

Agriculture Day

WHEREAS, agriculture has an integral role in the success of every civilization, and was instrumental to the settlement of Alaska. From early Russian trading posts to the settlers of the Tanana Valley, Alaskan frontiersman have seen the potential for agriculture and...

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer

WHEREAS, faith has played a significant role in American history, inspiring many to seek unity through such tradition as days of prayer and reflections; and WHEREAS, many Alaskans have been strengthened, assured, and lifted up through prayer. Leaders and citizens...

Aviation Appreciation Month

Aviation Appreciation Month

WHEREAS, aviation is a critical part of Alaskan life. Eighty-two percent of Alaska’s communities are inaccessible by road and rely heavily on aviation to provide all-season access for commerce, transportation, emergency medical services, shipment of goods, and...

Building Safety Month

Building Safety Month

WHEREAS, Alaskans rely on durable residential, commercial, and institutional structures to shelter us as we live, work, and play. We are dedicated to ensuring our infrastructure is safe by continuing efforts to address critical safety issues in our homes and...

Water Safety Month

Water Safety Month

WHEREAS, Alaska is known for its beautiful lakes, rivers, and thousands of miles of coastline, all providing endless opportunities for a wide variety of water-related activities enjoyed by Alaskans and visitors alike; and WHEREAS, swimming and aquatic-related...

Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month

WHEREAS, the State of Alaska is home to a growing number of older Americans who enrich communities through their wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and vast experiences; and WHEREAS, Alaska’s elders are valuable members of society and Alaska is dedicated to strengthening...

Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month

WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability characterized by social and behavioral challenges and can result in lifelong impairment of an individual’s ability to learn, develop healthy interactive behaviors, or understand both verbal and...