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Veterans Small Business Week

Nov 1, 2021

WHEREAS, nearly one out of ten small businesses across the United States are veteran owned – from Main Street store fronts to virtual high-tech startups that advance America, veteran owned small businesses are a pillar of our economy and contribute to the foundation of our nation; and

WHEREAS, veteran small business owners are resilient, disciplined, and mission-oriented, thanks to their military service and committed to serving our country and communities; and

WHEREAS, when we resolve ourselves to strengthen our communities, we must empower and support the giants that veteran entrepreneurs are in our economy; and

WHEREAS, National Veterans Small Business Week highlights the programs and services available to veteran entrepreneurs through the United States Small Business Administration and resource partners; and

WHEREAS, Alaska supports and joins in this national effort to help America’s veteran owned small businesses rebuild and recover from this pandemic and ensure that our communities remain vibrant.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim November 1 – 5, 2021 as:

Veterans Small Business Week

 in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to learn more about Alaska’s Veteran entrepreneurs and how we can help them continue on their path to success.

Dated: November 1, 2021


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