Board: Violent Crimes Compensation Board
Board identification number: 103
Authority: AS 18.67.020
Status: Active
Sunset date:
Requirements: Legislative Confirmation
Prohibitions: Defense attorneys are not eligible for membership as the Alaska Bar Association’s ethical rules prohibits attorneys from representing two opposing parties at the same time, even on different cases, without consent.
Term: 3 years
Chair: Governor selects.
Description: The board consists of 3 members appointed by Governor: at least 1 member must be a medical or osteopathic physician licensed to practice in Alaska, or holding a retired status license in Alaska; 1 member must be an attorney licensed to practice in Alaska, or retired from practice in Alaska. The Governor designates the board chair. Members serve at pleasure of Governor.
Function: Facilitates and permits payment of compensation to innocent victims of violent crimes.
Special facts: the board serves in a quasi-judicial capacity. The board provides an annual report to Governor and Legislature. After obtaining consent from the chief administrative law judge the board may appoint one or more administrative law judges employed or retained by the office of administrative hearings to conduct hearings and take testimony in proceedings under this chapter but final determinations of any matter shall be only by the board.
Compensation: Standard Travel and Per Diem No additional compensation.
Meetings: 6 times per year; at least one meeting per quarter. Jan/Feb. in Juneau; otherwise usually in Anchorage.
For further information and to reach individual members, contact:
Liz Vazquez
Executive Director
Violent Crimes Compensation Board
550 W 7th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-6496
Fax: (907) 465-2379