Board: Education Commission of the States
Board identification number: 030
Authority: AS 14.44.060
Status: Active
Sunset date:
Requirements: No Legislative Confirmation or Financial Disclosure required
Prohibitions: None
Term: 4 years
Chair: No provision.
Description: The commission consists of 7 members: 2 at-large members appointed by Governor, and the Governor, the Commissioner of the Dept. of Education, 1 legislator selected by the House, 1 legislator selected by the Senate, and the President of the State Board of Education. (ECS is national organization; each member state has seven members.)
Function: The commission works to help states develop effective policy and practice for public education by providing data, research, analysis and leadership; and by facilitating collaboration, exchange of ideas among the states, and long-range strategic thinking.
Special facts: A majority of members constitute a quorum. The board makes an annual report to Governor and Legislature.
Compensation: Standard Travel and Per Diem
Meetings: 4 times per year, usually quarterly, for 1 or 2 days.
For further information and to reach individual members, contact:
Janell Andrews
Executive Secretary
801 West 10th Street, Suite 200
Juneau, AK 998011894
Phone: (907) 465-2802