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Board: Alaska Food Strategy Task Force

Board identification number: 581



Status: Active

Sunset date: June 30, 2025

Requirements: No Legislative Confirmation or Financial Disclosure required

Prohibitions: None

Term: No defined term

Chair: Board Selects

Description: (l) The task force shall establish advisory committees focused on addressing each ofthe seven integrated focus areas under (j) of this section and the minimum elements under (k)of this section, and each task force member shall serve on one or more of these committees.(m) The task force shall present recommendations for metrics appropriate for evaluating food system effects and food security outcomes. (n) The recommendations of the task force must be (1) evidence based; (2) stakeholder informed; (3) economically sound; (4) environmentally sustainable; and (5) equally accessible.(o) The task force shall develop and present recommendations in three of theintegrated focus areas under (j) of this section by August 1, 2023, and recommendations in theremaining integrated focus areas under (j) of this section by August 1, 2024. The task forceshall compile the recommendations into a report and submit the report to the governor, thesenate secretary, and the chief clerk of the house of representatives and notify the legislaturethat the report is available.(p) The task force shall continue the efforts of and review and, when applicable,implement the recommendations of the Alaska Food Security and Independence Task Forceestablished by Administrative Order No. 331.

Function: (h) The task force shall meet during and between legislative sessions to accomplish itsduties. Meetings shall be conducted, and notice of regular meetings provided, underAS 44.62.310 – 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act). Records of the Alaska Food Strategy TaskForce is subject to inspection and copying as public records under AS 40.25.100 – 40.25.29526(Alaska Public Records Act).(i) The executive board may remove a member of the task force if the member missesmore than two meetings in a calendar year without being previously excused or if the memberdoes not contribute in a meaningful way to the activities of the task force. Vacancies on thetask force shall be filled in the same manner as the original selection.(j) The task force shall present state policy, legislation, and strategy implementationrecommendations in the following seven integrated focus areas:(1) sustainably growing the agriculture industry; (2) sustainably growing markets for locally grown, locally harvested, and locally processed foods; (3) enhancing the climate for food and beverage processing or distribution businesses;(4) minimizing food waste and diverting it from the waste stream; (5) improving connectivity, efficiencies, and outcomes in state-run programs affecting food availability and access;(6) ensuring food security in all communities in the state, including those that are and are not connected to the main road system of the state; and (7) improving transportation and infrastructure to transfer and deliver food in the state.

Special facts:



For further information and to reach individual members, contact:
Bryan Scoresby
Director of Agriculture (DNR)


Board Roster

Please click to see profile.