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Board: Governor’s Advisory Board on Roads and Highways

Board identification number: 510


Authority: Administrative Order 287, Administrative Order 316

Status: Active

Sunset date: June 30, 2022

Requirements: No Legislative Confirmation or Financial Disclosure required

Prohibitions: None

Term: 4 years

Chair: The Board elects the chair.

Description: The Board consists of seven public members who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Public seats are not specifically assigned, but, to the extent possible, public members should be seated to provide geographic diversity and attempt to represent as many of the following constituencies as practicable: (1) the commercial trucking industry; (2) the highway related travel or tourism industry; (3) the heavy construction industry; (4) municipal planning organizations or road service areas; (5) urban areas; (6) rural or tribal areas; and (7) other constituencies the Governor deems appropriate.

Function: The purpose of the Board is to provide recommendations to the Governor and the Commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities on public policy related to the Department’s powers and duties with respect to State highway functions as requested by the Governor. The Board’s areas of focus include: highway construction, equipment use, deferred maintenance, capital spending, and identifying other critical needs in the State’s road and highway transportation infrastructure.

Special facts:

Compensation: Standard Travel and Per Diem

Meetings: Quarterly, or at the call of the chair or three members.

For further information and to reach individual members, contact:
Winnie Cichosz
Executive Secretary, DOT
550 W. Seventh Avenue, Ste. 295

Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-465-3900

Board Roster

Please click to see profile.