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Board: Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Board of Trustees

Board identification number: 166

Department: REVENUE

Authority: AS 47.30.011; AS 47.30.016; AS 39.50.200

Status: Active

Sunset date:

Requirements: Legislative Confirmation and Financial Disclosure

Prohibitions: A member appointed by the Governor may not be an officer or employee of the state; or within the 2 years preceding or during the member’s term of office have an interest in, served on the governing board of, or been employed by an organization that has received, during that same period, money from the mental health trust income account under a grant or contract for services. A trustee may be appointed for no more than 2 consecutive 5-year terms, and is eligible for reappointment only after 1 year has intervened.

Term: 5 years

Chair: Board elects.

Description: The board consists of 7 members appointed by the Governor, based on ability in financial management, investment, land management, or in services for trust beneficiaries. The Governor makes appointments after considering a list of qualified candidates prepared by 6-person panel which is outlined in AS 47.30.016 (2). Board elects a presiding officer and other officers from its membership. Board employs a chief executive officer, selected by the board who is directly responsible to the board.

Function: The board works to administer the trust established under the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act of 1956. Preserve and protect the trust corpus under AS 37.14.009; coordinate with other state agencies involved with mental health service programs; submit an annual report to the Legislature, Governor, and the public. Submits a budget and proposed plan of implementation, no later than September 15 of each year, to the Governor and Legislative Budget and Audit Committee.

Special facts: A vacancy shall be filled within 60 days by appointment of the Governor for unexpired portion of term. The Governor may remove member only for cause, including incompetence, neglect of duty, misconduct in office, poor attendance, or lack of contribution to board’s work. Four members is a quorum. Legislative confirmation for members is required by statute but not permissible under the Constitution. A member shall continue to serve until the member’s successor is appointed and confirmed, unless a vacancy occurs.

Compensation: Standard Travel and Per Diem Receive honorarium of $200 per day.

Meetings: A minimum of four regularly scheduled board meetings per year. The Board has five committees and the Trust tries to coordinate committee meeting together over 1-2 days.

For further information and to reach individual members, contact:
Steve Williams
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
3745 Community Park Loop, Suite 200
Anchorage, AK 99581
Phone: (907) 269-7960
Fax: (907) 269-7966

Board Roster


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