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Alaska Day

Alaska Day

WHEREAS, on October 18, 1867, Alaska officially became a United States Territory after the formal transfer from Russia; and WHEREAS, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million in March of 1867, although the formal transfer did not officially...

Alaska Manufacturing Day

Alaska Manufacturing Day

WHEREAS, craftsmanship and ingenuity is embedded in the legacy of the Last Frontier and has has helped shape our great state into what it is today; and WHEREAS, Alaska’s breathtaking size, natural beauty, bountiful resources, and strategic location are the envy of...

Alaska Startup Week

Alaska Startup Week

WHEREAS, entrepreneurs and startup businesses play a vital role in the growth and expansion of Alaska’s economy, creating new businesses and jobs throughout our city, state, and country; and WHEREAS, entrepreneurs demonstrate resiliency, passion, and the ability to...

Pedestrian Safety Month

Pedestrian Safety Month

WHEREAS, Alaska’s extensive road and trail networks showcase some of the world’s most awe-inspiring landscapes, making our state an ideal destination for biking and walking, which are healthy and are enjoyed as environmentally friendly transportation options; and...

Fire Prevention Month

Fire Prevention Month

WHEREAS, fire safety and prevention are of utmost importance for every Alaskan. Each year, fires cause devastating personal injury and property loss across our state; and WHEREAS, in 2022, there were 823 residential structures fires reported in Alaska, resulting in...

Chiropractic Health Month

Chiropractic Health Month

WHEREAS, keeping Alaskan families and communities healthy is of utmost importance and directly impacts the success of our great state as a whole. It is vital for the safety and well-being of Alaskans to have access to a variety of treatment options; and WHEREAS,...

Alaska Clean Energy Week

Alaska Clean Energy Week

WHEREAS, clean and renewable energy is part of Alaska’s energy infrastructure and future. It includes generation from renewable sources such as wind, solar, hydro, tidal, biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen sources, but it also includes nuclear, natural gas, and...

Employ Older Workers Week

Employ Older Workers Week

WHEREAS, older workers play an increasingly important role in maintaining Alaska’s economy and leadership in the global marketplace, adding depth in perspective, social networks, and talent; and WHEREAS, seniors represent a growing percentage of the state’s...

Blue Star Welcome Week

Blue Star Welcome Week

WHEREAS, Blue Star Families seeks to empower military families by connecting them with their neighbors, individuals and organizations to help create vibrant communities of mutual support; and WHEREAS, we recognize the 600,00 active-duty and transitioning military...

Hunting and Fishing Day

Hunting and Fishing Day

WHEREAS, Alaska is abundant in diverse wildlife and its vast and expansive landscape provides bountiful resources; and WHEREAS, from big game hunting to sport fishing, Alaska’s hunting and fishing heritage is critical to the state’s economic and social well-being...

Forensic Science Week

Forensic Science Week

WHEREAS, quality forensic science plays an essential role in investigating a myriad of crimes, from exonerating the innocent to identifying the guilty; and WHEREAS, forensic science provides a critical role in public outreach and crime prevention, and is emerging...

Patriot Day

Patriot Day

WHEREAS, today marks 22 years since the American people faced the worst terrorist attack on United States soil on September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, while the attacks were meant to create discord in our Great Nation, Americans responded by banding together in a...

Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide Prevention Week

WHEREAS, protecting the health and wellness of Alaskans is key to ensuring a stronger future for our families and communities; and WHEREAS, suicide is the most tragic consequence of mental and emotional illness and distress, and is one of the top ten causes of...