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National Small Business Week

Sep 21, 2020

WHEREAS, Alaska was built by pioneers and self-made business visionaries who thought big, took risks, and worked hard; and

WHEREAS, from storefront shops anchoring Main Street to high-tech startups that have kept America on the cutting edge, small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the cornerstone of our nation’s promise; and

WHEREAS, small business owners have the energy and passion for what they do, contributing to the economy and culture of individual communities; and

WHEREAS, the country’s 30 million small businesses create nearly two out of three net new jobs in our economy, and we cannot resolve ourselves to job creation and economic growth without finding sustainable ways to support our entrepreneurs; and

WHEREAS, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week every year since 1963 to highlight the programs and services available to entrepreneurs through the U.S. Small Business Administration and other government agencies; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA do hereby proclaim September 21-25, 2020 as

National Small Business Week

in Alaska, and encourage Alaskans to support and join in the national effort to help America’s small businesses grow, creating jobs, and ensuring that communities remain as vibrant tomorrow as they are today.

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