WHEREAS, public health services throughout Alaska are important to ensure that Alaskans have the opportunity to live stronger and longer in healthy and safe Alaskan communities; and
WHEREAS, Public Health Week gives us the opportunity to enhance the foundation of our well-being by educating the public, policy makers, and healthcare professionals about health issues important to Alaskans; and
WHEREAS, public health education, together with scientific and technological advances, have played a major role in reducing – and in some cases eliminating – the spread of infectious diseases, while establishing today’s disease surveillance and control systems; and
WHEREAS, this year, themes of Public Health Week include a focus on community, rural health, new technology in health care, and healthy environments; and
WHEREAS, our actions, including good nutrition and physical activity, can have an effect on the health and safety of our communities, families, friends, and neighbors; and
WHEREAS, National Public Health Week helps us develop and maintain healthy communities. Public health happens when there are strong partnerships with public, private, and nonprofit sectors working together to address the unique challenges facing Alaskan communities.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Michael J. Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim April 1-7, 2019 as:
National Public Health Week
in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to take part in focusing on public health, and highlighting what we can do to improve health and safety for all Alaskans.