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Alaska Invasive Species Awareness Week

Jun 16, 2019

WHEREAS, Alaska is blessed with many indigenous plants that color its great landscape, abundant wildlife that provide residents with bountiful and life-sustaining resources, and native species that support the delicate balance of our functioning ecosystems; and

WHEREAS, invasive species damage our land and water, harm the health of both humans and wildlife, affect the productivity of our natural resources, and inhibit management of resources in Alaska; and

WHEREAS, as a result of global commercialization and frequent human travel, invasive species are increasingly becoming more difficult to prevent and control; and

WHEREAS, the costs to prevent, monitor, and control invasive species – combined with the damage to crops, fisheries, forests, and other resources; and

WHEREAS, the prevention of invasive species is far less costly than the removal of a species once it has arrived or established. An educated public is highly effective at detecting invasive species early; and

WHEREAS, the Departments of Fish and Game, Natural Resources, Environmental Conservation, and Transportation and Public Facilities work cooperatively with stakeholders and the public to prevent, detect, manage, and eradicate invasive plants, animals, and aquatic species to protect Alaska’s unique and valuable resources, and ultimately, the Alaskan way of life.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Michael J. Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim June 16-22, 2019 as:

Alaska Invasive Species Awareness Week

in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to learn more about, and contribute to, the prevention of invasive species in our great state.

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