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Governor Mike Dunleavy Requests Federal Assistance for 2022 September Storm

Sep 20, 2022

Governor Mike Dunleavy has requested a federal disaster declaration for the 2022 September West Coast Storm.

“We must first recognize the outstanding job local and tribal leaders did to prepare their communities for this storm. I have no doubts their effort saved lives and minimized the damage,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “As things begin to stabilize, we can look towards recovery. I am asking the federal government to activate all other disaster recovery programs.”

On September 14, the National Weather Service indicated that the remnants of Typhoon Merbok would significantly impact Alaska. The State Emergency Operation Center stood up, contacted alert communities, and coordinated with state emergency response and recovery partners. On September 17, after it became clear the storm would severely impact the western coast of Alaska, Governor Dunleavy issued a State disaster declaration.

The state declaration ensured local and tribal governments, state agencies, and non-governmental partners would have the authority and funding to conduct any necessary life, health, and safety steps and quickly restore food, water, power, fuel, communications, and transportation. The State’s Public and Individual Assistance programs were activated as well.

The request for federal assistance asked the President to issue a declaration of a major disaster and activate federal public and individual grant programs. The request also asks that the President provide for a 100% federal share through the declaration, to support Alaska’s rural, insular, and predominantly Alaska Native communities impacted by this historic event.

Governor Dunleavy also requested that Small Business Administration disaster loan programs be activated for businesses impacted by the disaster and homeowners with damages. In addition, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program will be funded through the federal disaster declaration for future infrastructure and resilience projects in the state.

“For some, the road ahead will be challenging. However, I have committed the state to use every available disaster recovery program to its fullest extent to help these Alaskans,” said Governor Dunleavy.

Click here to view the Federal Disaster Request package.