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Governor Mike Dunleavy Announces Bestselling Author Alex Epstein as a Keynote Speaker at 2025 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

Governor Mike Dunleavy is pleased to announce bestselling author Alex Epstein as a keynote speaker

American Red Cross Month

WHEREAS, as one of the Nation’s oldest and most recognized humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross has long been a symbol of the compassion

Governor Dunleavy Introduces Education Reform Legislation

Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation (HB 76SB 82) to improve educational outcomes for all Alaska students.

Governor Introduces Legislation Allowing Alaskans to Build Recreational Cabin Sites

Governor Mike Dunleavy invites Alaskans interested in purchasing or leasing state land to build a recreational cabin

Governor Dunleavy Delivers 7th State of the State Address

Governor Mike Dunleavy delivered his seventh State of the State address, at the Alaska Capitol Building.

Governor Dunleavy Introduces Two Key Bills to Strengthen Alaska’s Infrastructure and Public Safety

Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced two critical pieces of legislation designed to bolster Alaska’s economic development and enhance public safety services.

Recent News

Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Governance Study Released

The Dunleavy administration today released a report commissioned by the Governor. The study was conducted by an outside legal firm to review the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC). The purpose of the report was to ascertain what if any recommendations or changes...

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Governor Dunleavy Signs Alaska Railroad Bonding Legislation

New Seward Passenger Dock will be operational next year  Governor Mike Dunleavy signed legislation today (HB 65) granting the Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC) the ability to issue up to $135 million in revenue bonds to fund the construction of a new passenger dock...

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Women in Construction Week

WHEREAS, our Nation has been shaped by the actions of women of every socioeconomic background and women play a role in every field of professional employment, representing a significant portion of the workforce; and WHEREAS, construction professionals play a critical...

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Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

WHEREAS, developmental disabilities affect more than an estimated 11,600 Alaskan children, adults, and families; and WHEREAS, a developmental disability is a lifelong, chronic mental or physical impairment that manifests itself before a person reaches the age of 22,...

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Just 10 days of food supply in Alaska. Shouldn’t we focus on food security? I think so, and lawmakers should too. Learn more about Executive Order 136 that would establish a Department of Agriculture in Alaska: #akleg

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Governor Michael J. Dunleavy looking at camera outside

Mike Dunleavy

As Alaska’s 12th Governor, Governor Dunleavy is committed to restoring trust in government and opening Alaska up to new business and investment.