I recently resolved a complaint under the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. The complaint concerned communications my office made to Alaskans through print and online advertising. Most of the communications complained of did not violate the Alaska Executive Ethics Act. But some of these communications referred to two legislators who, unbeknownst to my staff at the time, had filed a notice of intent to run for reelection. I did not know about these communications before they were sent, and had no personal role in drafting, designing, publishing, reviewing, or approving the advertisements. I never intended for State resources to support a partisan political purpose, and I don’t believe I violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act. Nevertheless, I believe it is in the best interests of the State to resolve these complaints, and, for this reason, I am reimbursing the State for the cost of these advertisements and ensuring that my staff undergoes all appropriate ethics training. I am also taking this opportunity to remind the devoted public servants in my office of the very high ethical standards that Alaskans rightly demand..
Read the full settlement agreement here.